Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Something about the 2nd Amendment...

Saturday the 17th the Chock family participated in a church/ward youth activity at the Koko Head shooting range. Some fun moments there, some increased awareness of firearms. We're not really a gun kind of family. Nothing against them, I've even thought about purchasing a gun for protection in the home. I guess we just haven't felt the need for it yet.

I guess that's why it's important to expose my kids to firearms? Smarter folks than me have well thought out arguments for and against it.

Honestly, this was for fun, and I think the we all enjoyed ourselves.

Lydia gets to shoot a revolver.

I got in on the fun too. Why didn't anyone tell me I had major bed-head? Sheesh.

James, of course, enjoyed himself. He's not a bad shot actually.

Then there was Rebecca shooting a big ol' gun. I already posted this on Facebook, but I think it's funny enough that it needs to be posted here again.

There was also archery, this was fun to watch too.

It was a fun activity for us to do together as a family. The folks there were very nice and super helpful to the kids. I think it was good, at the very least, to have a real-world experience with firearms to enlighten the "video game" experience of firearms.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great way to have a good time as a family while doing something productive. Teach your kids early and show them the right way to handle firearms. Great job!