Saturday, January 10, 2009

Giggles at the Temple

Rebecca and I went to the temple today, haven't been for a while (what, like 8 months?)

I definitely walked away smiling, not just because of the good spirit in there, but things that I giggled about...okay, not literally, but at least inside.

1) The name of the person I was doing work for. Nothing beats the "Batman" episode with Rebecca, but for me personally, today's name made me do a double take. If anyone who reads this remembers the Street Fighter franchise of video games, there was a character you could choose who had long arms, long legs, and blew fire. The guy's name I was doing work for was very similar...and he was from India, too.

2) One of Buddy O'Neal's favorite reasons to stay away from the Provo Temple: the temple busybody. I kept thinking that dad would be totally giggling at this old lady as we sat in the chapel waiting our turn, 'cuz she got so flabbergasted at another temple worker who was trying to offer a solution that just didn't work for her. Seriously, it was about where people should be sitting in the chapel. Seriously. I can totally see dad giggling about it.

3) The doily thingy on the altar. I kept smiling because I kept thinking of Mary O'Neal. She'd totally want to straighten the doily thingy. I thought about it enough that I actually tried to straighten it (we were the witness couple), and then I smiled at myself for trying. Kinda funny...

OK, so maybe not so funny. Guess maybe you just had to be there.

Twas a good visit to the temple.

And yes, the Provo Temple celestial room has a new chandelier. I even asked a worker.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Way to go- to the temple that is. Troy and I went last Friday and had to wait forever because it was so busy. We were gone for FOUR and a half hours! We had a few giggle moments as well- like the couple who were so intertwined on a couch in the Celestial Room it was slightly inappropriate. :)