Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Something great is happening right now that I'm not sure I've experienced before, even though I've only voted in a presidential election 3 times before this.

Regardless of which candidate you support, I'm fairly proud of the passion I'm seeing from people around me. The few conversations I've had, the little tidbits of information here and there, the campaign information I actually have allowed myself to be exposed to in the last coupla weeks, it all indicates at least one good thing: WE THE PEOPLE are engaged and interested.

I don't remember this feeling any other time the last few times I voted. This time feels different, and even if it's just me, my perception is my reality, and I can remember that one of the greatest blessings of living in this great nation is not only the opportunity to vote, but that everyone has the right to express their ideas about who the best candidate is and why.

I'm reminded of my brother Mark talking to me about this when he was in Iraq. I complained to him that the media was all doom and gloom about what he was doing there, compared to the stories he was sharing with me. He politely reminded me that he wasn't just fighting for me, my family, and those who think like we do. He was also fighting for those who think differently and THEIR right to speak their mind.

Of course, you could even disagree with him there. But again, that's the point. We CAN disagree, because we live in this great nation of ours.

I am grateful to be a citizen of the United States of America. Warts and all, she's the best.

1 comment:

Rivka said...

Amen, to that, Thomas!